The Threats of Western Cape Turtles


A short animated film is created to educate and raise awareness about the threats to Turtles in the Western Cape York region.

Client Background
The Western Cape Turtle Threat Abatement Alliance (WCTTAA) represents an agreement between land and sea managers from Pormpuraaw, Napranum, Mapoon and Northern Peninsula Area to work together for the protection of marine turtles along the west coast of Cape York. Its vision is to improve conditions for marine turtle populations and manage threats to coastal habitats in the Western Cape region. By working with both land and sea owners, they initiate research, data collection and share information for the protection of nesting marine turtles and coastal management in far north Queensland.

Our Aim
1. To engage with the target audience for both children and adults, within the Indigenous community and general public, through a clear, concise and informative manner.
2. Convey the importance of continued support for management and monitoring of turtles in western Cape York.
3. Reinforce the messages in the live footage of the documentary about the importance of the work rangers do to protect turtles.
4. Support the overall documentary to instil pride in the work done by members of their community.
Baby turtle illustrations
Vehicle illustrations
Together we can help to reduce the threats of Western Cape Turtles!
The Threats of Western Cape Turtles